The law of attraction 

– Disclamer: I am in no way an expert on this topic nor do I know everytying about this. The things I’m writing are from my own research and my own experiences.

This is a topic I hold really close to me.  It’s something that I really believe in and has helped me to better myself a lot.

So… what is the law of attraction?

Well, to me the law of attraction is the energy you put out to the universe is the energy you are going to recieve from the universe. Putting out negative and sour energy is all you are going to get back, same goes for putting out positive and happy energy, the universe recognises this and gives back this energy.

Another aspect is giving gratitude. I keep a journal that I use everyday (this journal is everything to me) it helps me to clear my thoughts and is my own form of meditation. Everyday I express what I am grateful for. I also give reasoning as to why I’m grateful for this. Being grateful is a huge part of the law of attraction as it raises your vibrations that you send out to the universe making you more attractive.

To send out good energy and vibrations I use positive affirmations everymorning and also say some throughout the day. These can be anything positive but the number one thing is that you have to believe in them. Some examples of my affirmations are

– “I am in charge of how I feel today and I choose happiness”

– ” I wake up energised and excitied”

– ” I can handle any challenges that arise”

A vision board is another powerful way that you can invite the law of attraction into your life. Print some photos of what you aspire to be, your dreams and what you want out of life. Pin them on a board in your room. The benefit of this is that you see these pictures everyday and when you see them you think about them, thinking about them in a good way released those good vibrations out into the universe and in turn will come back to you (also with hard work)

Another part of the law of attraction is manifesting. Through my experiences manifesting is really powerful. I take time to manifest by writing in my journal the goals I set for myself. What I want and why. My aspirations and things that I want my life to be like. There are a few steps to manifesting.

1. Set a goal

Write your goals out, give detail and steps, this will make your goals real.

2. Gratitude

3. Believe.

Believe that the universe is giving us what we need.  Trust the timing of the universe

4. Visualise.

While writing the goal take time to visualise yourself performing this task or activity. Really feel the excitement and energy you get from this activity.

5. Affirm.

State that you deserve this and that it will happen.

6. Be positive.

The universe will not give you want if you have walls up, a.k.a if you doubt yourself or how you are going to achieve your goal, the universe takes this as a message that you aren’t ready to recieve your goal. Really be positive and believe.

7. Take action.

8. Meditate.

Remember: trust yourself and be positive.

– hopefully you’ve learnt something.

Paige tait xoxo

1 thought on “The law of attraction ”

  1. Nicely put.. i too believe that what u put out into the universe comes back manifold to u.. so watch out for the vibrations u create.. thru thought, word and deed. Life is always about action and reaction.. any action.. again be it thought, word or deed brings about an equal and opposite reaction. So the trick is to desist from creating negative vibrations..
    Keep blogging..


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